XIII edição das JIIDE 2022 (Sessão 8): Smart modeling of territorial access to services of general interest
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XIII edição das JIIDE 2022 (Sessão 8): Smart modeling of territorial access to services of general interest

Geographic information is a support for territorial and environmental planning and management activities. There is a domain where information remains weak: access to Services of General Interest. In-depth knowledge is needed to improve the design of public policies and ensure more efficient resource management.

The services of general interest, so called for their relevance to society, are fundamental in the design of public policies, in the provision of more qualified services and in ensuring a more efficient and effective management of resources. In this case specifically applied to those referring
to the education, health, sports and social sectors.

The different needs of the different services led to the acquisition and storage of data, whose analysis, integrated in a multisectoral and territorialbased perspective, is still at a very incipient stage. The exploration of this data and its crossing with other sources, such as occupation and land use,
mobility or the dynamics of territorial development will make it possible to better understand the patterns of supply and demand for services, relating them to the characteristics of populations, urban systems and territories and identify optimized functional areas.

In order to explore the data available in the different services, their coverage, potential supply and demand, a tool was developed for providing and interpreting data supported by innovative technologies and models that cross the knowledge of specialists in territorial approaches and access to

The methodology aims to combine two complementary perspectives: sectorial and territorial. In the sectorial, the structured organization of equipment and services is addressed, seeking to ensure universal coverage for all citizens. In the territorial, depending on an approach based on the
characterization of the national territory and its specificities and constraints.

The expected results aim to support a more efficient management of resources, the identification of optimized functional areas and support for the design of public policies resulting from the specific needs of each sector through a multisectoral and territorial analysis.

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