The EUKN-OECD Week of National Urban Policies: The Green Dimension
Welcome and program explanation by the moderators
− Federica Risi, Policy and Project Officer, EUKN EGTC
− Tadashi Matsumoto, Head of Sustainable Development and Global Relations Unit, CFE
Presentation – The green dimension of the Portuguese NUP
Elisa Vilares, Directorate-General for Territory, Head of Division of Territorial Development and Urban Policy
Peer Learning Moment
Comments from European and global discussants
− Roni Bar, Head of Foreign Affairs, Strategic Planning Division, Israel Planning Administration
Presentation – The green dimension of the Italian NUP
Giorgio Martini, Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale, Managing Authority for National Operational Programmes on Metropolitan Cities
Discussion – How can National Urban Policies support the green dimension?