Portugal Smart Nation – Side Event

Portugal Smart Nation: A história de como uma nação se pode tornar global | The tale of how a nation can become global

Este Side Event apresentará como o ecossistema Smart Portugal lidera hoje o caminho em soluções smart city e emerge como um player global. A sessão partirá da noção das plataformas da cidade como facilitadoras de inovações urbanas, baseadas em dados, e mostrará soluções emblemáticas de casos em setores-chave, como mobilidade e turismo.

Esta é uma iniciativa da aicep, com moderação do Professor Miguel de Castro Neto, Subdiretor da NOVA IMS e Coordenador do Nova Cidade Urban Analytics Lab, e que conta com a participação das seguintes empresas:

Junte-se a nós e faça parte da transformação inteligente de Portugal.

Artigo publicado na Tomorrow.City sobre Smart Cities / Portugal.

CEiiA – Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento

CEiiA – Centre of Engineering and Development develops new technologies, products and services for the automotive, aeronautical, urban mobility, ocean and space industries.

It has a team of 300 researchers and engineers with full capabilities for product development, including concept, design, research, engineering, prototyping and testing of materials and full-scale structures. CEiiA also provides industrialization support to several Portuguese and international companies, with a subsidiary in Brazil (MIND Brazil) and engineering teams deployed in Spain, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Italy.

On smart and sustainable mobility, CEiiA has 12 years of experience in the development of mobility projects, integrating the development of vehicles (2, 3 and 4 wheels), intelligent platforms and connectivity systems. It works with more than 80 cities all over the world, and is partner of mobility and sustainability international players, namely the United Nations.

‘Valuing what is not emitted’ as opposed to ‘offsetting what is emitted’ is the ground-breaking approach that CEiiA brings to cities all over the world to support their decarbonization processes.

AYR is based on a blockchain-enabled platform that counts and values C02 emissions avoided by people making sustainable mobility choices. AYR rewards the user with green digital credits (AYR ‘coin’) that store the value of C02 savings and can be exchanged for green goods and services, inducing the creation of digital sustainable ecosystems. The platform is interoperable with existing mobility platforms.

AYR has been deployed in the Portuguese Cities of Matosinhos (Oporto) and Cascais (Lisbon), in collaboration with the municipalities, global operators of micromobility sharing services (e-bikes, e-scooters, e-kick scooters), and users.


Deloitte, Make an impact that matters

Cities must become more resilient, digital, and sustainable.

Deloitte will set the stage for what the future looks like in cities, through insightful ideas, innovative solutions and collaborative approaches to envision sustainable communities.

As global experts in Smart Cities and Future of Mobility, we know the challenges, endeavours and worries of citizens and local governments, specifically in these unexpected and uncertain times. At Smart City Live you’ll get to know our high-level technological urban solutions – specifically our city operating system, CitySynergy -, our products to increase operations’ efficiency, and the trends we gather from our research and methodologies used in designing and advising the future of cities.

Our future-looking approach puts sustainability in every strategy or solution, and this will the frame and our claim in this year’s edition of Smart City Live.


Future Compta – Running Urban Efficiency

With more than 48 years of existence and living a cycle of expansion of its activity by the recent integration in the FUTURE Group, multinational engineering group, based in Portugal, FUTURE COMPTA, is specialized in developing, integrating and optimizing solutions in the IT – Information Technologies domain.

The technology it develops is its privileged way of touching and shaping the Society and the World in which we live. Digital for People is the commitment and responsibility that FUTURE COMPTA takes to contribute to a better, more sustainable world where people are first.

FUTURE COMPTA, asserts itself globally, as a company of Innovation and Development of Digital Products, where IOT solutions across multiple markets are framed, having the capacity to operate comprehensively as a technology integrator and provider of IT Services and end-to-end business solutions.

In the sectors where it operates, it delivers value by efficiently managing the operations and means of its customers through an Intelligent Consulting approach.

Holistic Approach for Smart Cities IoT Governance

FUTURE COMPTA offers municipalities a rich set of IoT Services, all provided from the same unique backend interface allowing cities to have a global unified view on the city daily operations and management.

Currently in use by more than 45 cities worldwide, “FUTURE COMPTA Smart Cities” Service Modules are helping municipalities to improve city services efficiency, contributing to achieve the sustainability goals they are proposed to while reducing costs and improving Citizens satisfaction.

More information.


Service Modules & Aggregation Layer

FUTURE COMPTA Smart Cities Services offer is comprised by:

  • Energy Management for Public Buildings
  • Street Lighting Management
  • Urban Waste Collection Management
  • Green Spaces Management
  • Forest Fire Detection
  • Digital Citizenship

Software modules can be acquired independently (modular approach) allowing cities to “grow as they need”, adjusted to their reality and available budgets.

All modules share a common BEE2 Verticals Aggregation Layer that amongst other advantages, guarantees each city a unique database, a sole login entry point for all the installed services with single sign-on, unified analytics and reporting plus, the same “look and feel” interface across all the applications.

Further to the operational and financial benefits inherent to this model, this approach is a real enabler of the “holistic approach” that allow cities to get the 360-degree integrated view on the performance and efficiency levels of the IoT services deployed.

More information at: www.future-compta.com


SMIITY – Smart Tourism Platform by Mobinteg

Sobre a mobinteg

Sediada em Lisboa, a mobinteg é uma empresa especializada no desenvolvimento de soluções mobile e de Internet das Coisas (IoT). A mobinteg desenvolve soluções tanto no segmento corporate, como de consumo, procurando responder às necessidades reais dos clientes e valorizando a rapidez, eficiência e segurança na relação com o consumidor.

Sobre a SMIITY – Smart Tourism Platform

A SMIITY é uma plataforma de turismo acessível, gratuita e compatível com dispositivos móveis iOS e Android, que permite às regiões, cidades e/ou monumentos comunicar com turistas e cidadãos.

Como? Disponibilizando ao utilizador, no seu idioma, notícias, eventos, pontos de interesse, percursos pedestres e muito mais.

Através da interação com beacons, pequenos emissores de sinais que enviam estes conteúdos para o dispositivo móvel do utilizador através de Bluetooth Low Energy, estes conteúdos podem ser automaticamente apresentados ao utilizador, sem que este tenha de os procurar.

A Madeira, nomeadamente o Funchal, contará com a instalação de vários beacons em diferentes pontos da cidade, nomeadamente no Museu da Quinta das Cruzes, proporcionando uma experiência mais dinâmica e interativa para os cidadãos e turistas.

Além de acessível, a SMIITY é uma solução inclusiva, nomeadamente para a comunidade invisual, dado que dispõe da funcionalidade text-to-speech, que converte os conteúdos de texto em áudio, no idioma do dispositivo.

O dispositivo móvel pode também ser utilizado como audioguia, tornando a experiência do utilizador ainda mais completa, rica e imersiva e, assim, dispensar o recurso a equipamentos adicionais.

A SMIITY está disponível em Portugal, nos Estados Unidos e em Itália.

Ubiwhere – Helping Europe achieve an interoperable smart city ecosystem

We have the innate desire of changing the World. That’s why we create, design and develop solutions that improve people’s life, bridging the existing gaps in the market.

Sobre a Ubiwhere

Sobre a urban platform.

Wavecom, connecting every…things for smart cities

Wavecom is a Communications Engineering company founded in the year 2000. It is characterized by solid know-how and expertise in wireless and IP-based systems and applications.

Wavecom is a manufacturer of a family of multiple wireless interfaces gateways, (up to 5 in a single gateway), which can be: LoRaWAN, GPS, WiFi, BLE, Microwave link and 3G/4G. Wavecom also provides a core solution for IoT access networks – IoT Manager – which is a multi-tenant cloud application, performing the provisioning of devices, gateway’s management and monitoring, communications security, and monitoring and management of sensors data (sensors status, map of sensors, events generated upon thresholds of sensors data). This solution guarantees all communications from remote sensors up to the application layer.

Smart Transportation

For the transportation sector, Wavecom presents specific gateways for BUS operators, enabling hundreds of vehicles connected and centrally managed, providing high grade WiFi connectivity to passengers, monitoring the exact number of passengers between bus stops, and providing a way to communicate with passengers via captive portals and collect their profiles.

LoRaWAN Networks

Wavecom is a manufacturer of LoRaWAN access network equipment and software, with several models of gateways, ranging from 1 up to 3 LoRaWAN interfaces in a single gateway, and also providing the core (LoRaWAN server), via Wavecom’s IoT Manager platform.

Wi-Fi Authentication and Analytics/Reporting

Cloud Based Authentication System, a multi-tenant solution that provides a tailored Captive Portal for different authentication methods and user profiles, ensuring user and usage analytics/reporting. It can be applied for all the entities that provide public, secure and controlled Wi-Fi additionally collecting Wi-Fi user’s profiling information.

People counting for outdoor venues

Wavecom provides an integrated solution for people counting in outdoor venues, such as beaches, parks and outdoor markets, feeding the counting and historic data to centralized applications, to mobile apps, and to pedestrian “traffic lights”

Indoor and Outdoor localization systems

WHERE.IS, is a Wavecom product for radio location of assets and people, to face the challenges of Industry, health and logistics requiring swift deploying system with medium accuracy.

Integration of Turn-Key Smart Systems

As an integrator, in Portugal and Spain, Wavecom is providing turn-key solutions, doing the implementation of communication networks for the municipalities and utilities, together with the integration of devices and software for the digitization of territories, processes and businesses, in such areas as: Parking, Waste Management, Telemetry, Water, Irrigation, Lighting, Environment monitoring, Mobility, Safety, Buildings Confort and Energy,…

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